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Cold laser
Chiropractic adjustments

Specific Chiropractic adjustments help the body function at its best. The adjustment relives pressure on your nerves from a spine that is out of alignment. Pressure the size of a dime can lead to nervous system malfunction and you might not realize it because pain is the bodies final warning system that something is wrong. It is recommended to have your spine checked at least once a month for optimal wellness. 

The cold laser is beneficial for speeding the healing process, reducing inflammation and pain. 

Active myofacial release helps relieve tension and trigger points in your muscles. The Doctor applies pressure on the muscles trigger point while taking your muscle through ranges of motion. 


Instrumented assisted soft tissue method uses a metal instrument that is applied to trigger points to reduce muscle tension.

Physical Exams
Soft Tissue Therapy

Services Offered



Physical exams and sports physicals are also provided.

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